Knowledge hub 13 Aug 2021 2nd Balkan Rural Parliament (Video) THE RURAL DEVELOPMENT NETWORK OF NORTH MACEDONIA (RDN)
Knowledge hub 11 Aug 2021 Declaration of the 2nd Balkan Rural Parliament Declaration-of-the-2nd-BRP_final-1Download THE RURAL DEVELOPMENT NETWORK OF NORTH MACEDONIA (RDN)
Knowledge hub 19 Apr 2021 User Guide for LEADER Trainers Преземи THE RURAL DEVELOPMENT NETWORK OF NORTH MACEDONIA (RDN)
Knowledge hub 21 Jan 2021 State of affairs for fostering green economy in agriculture and rural development: Comparative analysis of programs and measures in the Western Balkan Countries and Croatia The overall objective of the project “Networking and Advocacy for Green Economy-NAGE” is to provide support to enhance the policy… THE RURAL DEVELOPMENT NETWORK OF NORTH MACEDONIA (RDN)
Knowledge hub 21 Jan 2021 THE GREEN ECONOMY IN THE WESTERN BALKANS – Analysis, best practices, and recommendations The concept of the Green Economy has been gaining significant importance in the process of sustainable development of countries globally.… THE RURAL DEVELOPMENT NETWORK OF NORTH MACEDONIA (RDN)
Knowledge hub 20 Nov 2020 LEADER REPORT The LEADER Approach stands for area-based, bottom-up and multi-sectoral local rural development.The approach is based on autonomous public-private partnerships at… THE RURAL DEVELOPMENT NETWORK OF NORTH MACEDONIA (RDN)