Let’s get to know NAGE sub-granting activities!


Today we are presenting the activity of the project ” Women in making green the value chain in the collection processing and packaging of Roshnik figs “, conducted by the organization “Women in Sustainable Agriculture (WSA),  – an awareness-raising meeting to share general knowledge on green economy.

In the framework of the project, the organization “Women in Sustainable Agriculture – WSA” organized an awareness-raising meeting to share general knowledge on the green economy, its importance, economic benefits, environmental and social aspects, good practices etc. This meeting, organized in the area covered by the project, served to gather opinions and reach conclusions on how to identify the best ideas and models for the implementation of the intervention.

Problems encountered today in terms of environmental protection not only in the area of ​​Berat, but throughout the country are central to the project. Its implementation in the Roshnik area serves as an example for all the other rural communities as regards the promotion of green enterprises which link environmental benefits with social and economic ones.